Friday, December 11, 2009

Situation that you can use the seven steps in Ethical Decision Making

¤Should I attend a Business Seminar¤

¤. Get the facts: By attending business seminar I can gain a lot of helpful information by listening to my co-businessmen. And also I can broaden my knowledge on how to manage my business. And also attending business seminar is one of the best way to gather data and information.

¤.Identify the stake holder : I must also review the status of my workers. If they had a good ethical values. Not just their ability to produce money. And by selecting a deserving leader from my workers to lead.

¤. Consider the consequences of your decision: I know that attending seminar will consume my time. And I may not be able to monitor my business for a couple of days.

¤. Way various guideline s and principle: Through attending seminar i can also get an ideas on how to improve my guidelines to my business so that my business will run good.

¤. Develop evaluate options: In the seminar that I'm going to attend can i get a useful information to enhance my business.

¤. Review your Decision: Review all the decision that I made if attending seminar would give a benefits to my business.

¤. Evaluate the result of your decision: If all are set and everything is good to go then I should attend the business seminar.

4 Philosophical Theories in Decision Making

‡. Virtue Ethics Approach: Virtue is an acceptable behaviors of an individual or the good doings.

‡. Utilitarian Approach: In having a business you must not only think the good benefits that you can get but also you must include the others or your workers.

‡. Fairness Approach: You must treat all of the people in your surroundings as equal.

‡. Common good approach: In a business you must treat your consumers in a good way the same to your employees so that your business will succeed.

Are I.T workers are professional?

Yes!!because they are highly trained individuals. There skills on computer were highly polished, and that makes them more competent in the field that they belong!!
And they contributes a big development in the country that they were living on!